Art Project March

APM day 2
Unsure as to what this was about? Check the pitch.

02 March:

Jon Ward told me of a dream he had:
I dreamt of.... Tyrannofish: Front mostly Tyrannosaurus rex head, itsy-bitsy teeny flippers, and a back tail. The whole thing was mostly reds, but with small wavy black vertical stripes. They looked quite vicious, but I think they were cute.

While this is my choice of suggestion, it was not the only option, he also sent a small ditty:

Plush Cthulhu, Plush Cthulhu
Riding on the dashboard of my car
I'm afraid he'll have to go
Messing with my soul, you know?
Plush Cthulhu, he won't get you far!

Most of the other images came through before I drew mine, and given the lack of a plushie Cthulhu, I decided to draw a plushie Tyrannofish.

This is a fairly clear indication that I should never use colour pencils. There's a black and white version of it here. If you want to colour it.

Jim sent me a photo of his image, being the first to make it today.

Ichthyotyrannus Regis, the bobble-headed Queen of a Jurassic sea that never was.

Duckbunny sent me pixelart.

The salt-water tyrranosaur makes a good meal of a hungry fisherman.

Zebbie sent me a pretty cute Tyrannofish.

What do you get when you cross a Tyrannosaur with a piranha?.

Ania sent me the most colourful Tyrannofish.

A6 heavy-ish paper
random mechanical 0.5 pencil
Faber Castell 8 PITT artist pen "manga set"
Staedtler ergosoft coloured pencils.

Bryony drew a Tyrannofish in the pub on one of my postcards.

Khimaera sent me a rather professional looking Tyrannofish.

Salavant was the only one to attempt to explain where the Tyrannofish might have come from.

I think the tyrannosaur just needs a big hug.

Chess Drew a pretty awesome tyrannofish. I get the impression these are pretty difficult to do, and I'm aware that several earlier attempts were made.

Dan sent me another happy tyrannofish.

Alex went with the plush Cthulhu:

He lives on your dashboard, waiting for the stars to align. I labelled this one as the 3rd by mistake. Oops.

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