Power Cards: Back to Index

This artwork is what started out the whole PD website here. I found that the easiest way for me to keep a record of my powers is to write each power down in full on an index card. When I use a power, I simply take the card out of the stack (they're colour coded for convenience!) and read off the power. I keep used powers upside-down on the bottom of the stack. The reverse of each card was blank, so I drew pictures on them for easy identification. (That's the artwork you see here.) After a while we moved on to using a stack of cards to represent the initiative order as well.

This setup eliminates the need for anything larger than a single index card (per player) to be on the table, as all the cards sit in a neat pile, and you generally don't need to reference the PHB during combat. Most of the players I play with use the same system, and after a couple of weeks everyone wanted artwork on their cards too.

This list contains everything I've ever drawn as a power card, there's a lot more listed here than a character actually has, because people retrain powers all the time.

Piccolo has had the following powers:

Piccolo has had the following items with powers:

Conrad has had the following powers: (still drawing)

Conrad has had the following items with powers:

Arie has had the following powers:

Arie has had the following items with powers:

Vincent has had the following powers:

Vincent has had the following items with powers:

Earobar has had the following powers:

Earobar has had the following items with powers:

Marigold has had the following powers:

Marigold has had the following items with powers:

Ayeena has had the following powers:

Ayeena has had the following items with powers:

Terato has had the following powers:

Terato has had the following items with powers:

Argent has had the following powers:

Argent has had the following items with powers:

In March 2009 some thieves broke into a car and stole my rucksack, which contained the power cards for Piccolo, Vincent and the Initiative order. The bag was found later, but all the cards had been destroyed by water damage. As such those cards were redrawn. The original cards had the following pictures:

Piccolo's old cards

Old Initiative cards.

Vincent's old cards:

Power cards from other campaigns

Melanie's power cards. (Wizard/Arcane Wayfarer.) - These are really small, so I added a 2p piece for size comparison.