Art Project March - The Pitch

The reason

I need more excuses to draw things, sketching is relaxing, and the more I do the better I get. Therefore, throughout March, I've decided to give my sketchbook a thorough workout, and I invite you all to take part.

The plan

The plan is simple enough. Throughout March I intend to make one sketch, every day - ideally spending at least half an hour on the picture - more if I feel like it. To do this though, I'm going to need suggestions of things to draw. Ideas. Inspiration.

The source

I'm entirely happy to draw things out of my own mind, it is a bizarre place - however I'd much prefer to draw things based on the suggestions of other people. Therefore, I'd like to invite everyone to suggest topics for me to draw. If you're interested, all you need to do is drop me an email with your suggestion.

The suggestion

This is all looking a bit open-ended, so let's constrain it a bit. First and foremost, I don't want to draw anything if I've already painted a mental image of it in my mind - I want the image I form in my head to come entirely from what I'm told or shown. Therefore please don't suggest something like "Draw Barack Obama". You could instead suggest "draw a picture of a tall, handsome statesman giving a speech to a crowd of adoring followers"... and I might draw a picture of Barack Obama, but I might not. Who knows?

Secondly, you don't have to send an instruction of what to draw, you can send me anything you like. A photo, a poem, a MtG card... whatever you like. I only request that you don't send me something too long. I don't want to read your entire NaNoWriMo novel just to get inspiration for a half-hour sketch. Not in a day. Oh, and ideally I'd like to do one suggestion per person, so spread the word to your friends, so I get lots of ideas. Also, you can make more than one suggestion, and I'll pick my favourite.

Thirdly, I don't want to draw anything that'll hold significance only to specific individuals, so "draw my roleplaying character" is right out. I'd like for a person I don't know who stumbles across this page to be able to appreciate the content.

The result

I don't promise that I'll draw a picture of what you suggest. It might be that your suggestion inspires an entirely unrelated idea that I'll end up drawing, but that's not the point. The point is to draw a sketch every day. By the end of the month, there should be 31 images here. Maybe some of them will even be some good!

I'd also like to point out that if you suggest a topic to draw, then you get to keep the picture, (if you want it.) I'll sign and date it, and even write a dedication if you like. Not that it'll ever be valuable.

The collaboration

In 2010, 2 people drew 35 images for APM
In 2011, 5 people drew 58 images for APM
In 2012, 13 people created 118 pieces of art for APM

Why not join in? I'm told that the best way to improve (at any skill level) is to draw every day - and this is as good a source of inspiration as any. At the start of each day, I'll put the "topic" for drawing on the main page, and if you feel like it you can draw a picture, and I'll put it up here with whatever commentry and accreditation you want. If you do a lot of pictures I'll even make you your own page. You don't even have to draw, you could paint or sculpt or anything you want to do. If you'd like me to email you daily with the topic, just let me know, and I'll also do that.

See you in March.


The Variant

Art Project Mini (APMini) is a variant on APM which has exactly the same premise with the following two changes:
1) All pieces of artwork must be drawn on a single index card (about 8cmx12cm)
2) No piece of artwork may take longer than 30 minutes to draw. (about 1800 seconds)

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